Buffalo Ambulatory Surgery Center

Insurance Information

We participate with Medicare and most major insurance carriers. It is important that we have complete and accurate insurance information. We ask you to bring all of your insurance cards with you on the day of your procedure along with your co-payment or required coinsurance/or deductible. Please remember that this payment is determined by your insurance company not the surgery center.

Your insurance company will be billed by the Buffalo Ambulatory Surgery Center for the cost of the Facility Fee. You are responsible for all charges not covered by your insurance. The Facility Fee DOES NOT  include such things as pre-admission testing, pre and post operative x-rays, prescription drugs, laboratory  fees, your physician, surgeon or anesthesiologist fees. These charges will be billed separately by the individual or organization providing those services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your coverage, please feel free to ask our staff or call 896-3815.


If you have questions about your facility bill and/or believe that you have been billed incorrectly, first contact the facility billing office for clarification. Remember that you are entitled to an itemized bill. If you are not satisfied, you may call the Dispute Resolution Agent (DRA) (see below)

If you wish to use the review process, write to the DRA:
Empire State Medical, Scientific and Educational Foundation, Inc.
8116 Casanova Road
Manlius, New York 13104
or call toll-free 1-(800) 437-2234

You will have to pay a fee to use the dispute resolution process. This fee will be returned to you if the case is decided in your favor.

  • You may take advantage of this process ONLY if you are not covered by Medicare or Medicaid AND you have had to pay some portion of your facility bill.
  • If you are a Blue Cross/Blue Shield, GHI or HMO patient, contact your particular plan first. If problems cannot be resolved by your plan, you may then contact the DRA listed above.
  • If you are a Medicare patient and have questions about your coverage or about your
    facility bill, call (800) 633-4227.

There are many variations in insurance policies. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to ask questions of your facility and of your insurance company. It is your right!


You have the following rights under the New York State law:
Before you are discharged, you must receive a written Discharge Plan. You or your representative has the right to be involved in your discharge planning.

Your written Discharge Plan must describe the arrangements for any future health care that you may need after discharge. You may not be discharged until the services required in your written Discharge Plan are secured or determined to be reasonably available.

If you do not agree with the Discharge Plan or believe the services are not reasonably available, you may call the New York State Health Department to investigate your complaint and the safety of your discharge. The facility must provide you with the Health Department’s telephone number if you ask for it.


New York State law requires all health care practitioners and facilities to grant patients access to their own medical records (there are a few exceptions). Patients may request information, as may parents or guardians who have authorized their child’s care.

If you want to see your medical records, ask your doctor and/or the facility. New York State law guarantees you the opportunity to inspect your medical records within 10 days.

If you want to have a copy of your medical records, you must submit a written request to the facility administrator at the facility. If you request a copy of your records, the facility may charge you up to 75¢ per page.

If the facility fails to acknowledge or act on your request, you may complain to your local New York State Department of Health office (see below)
New York State Department of Health
Office of Health Systems Management
584 Delaware Ave
Buffalo, NY 14202

If you have been denied access to all or part of your records or if you would like more information, write:
Access to Patient Information Coordinator
New York State Department of Health
Division of Public Health Protection
Corning Tower, Room 495
Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York 12237
or call (518) 474-2383

Buffalo Ambulatory Surgery Center